Freedom with Food

Freedom with Food

What would it be like to have true freedom with food? 

How do we get there? 

Let's begin by defining what freedom is.  

I am borrowing David Jeremiah's definition from his series "Everything you Need" :

"Freedom is the length of a cord from a given stake."

Doctor Jeremiah gives the example of the freedom their children had playing in the back yard.  They could go anywhere they wanted inside the fence line.  He and his wife knew the kids were safe.  The kids knew they were safe.  All they had to do was enjoy the freedom in the backyard.  

So does freedom come with safe boundaries?

I believe it does.
A big part of freedom is safety. 

That is one of the reasons I am convinced that a 24-hour plan is the key to freedom with food.  

I have seen it in my own experience and in the experience of my clients.  

The marketing around us would argue that having a plan and making decisions ahead of time is not freedom.  But the consequences that come from eating whatever we want whenever we want keeps us enslaved with low energy, brain fog, extra weight, and aching joints.  

Think about that contrast!

When my clients and I create our 24-hour plan, any food item is available.  The power is that we are making decisions ahead of time, not from a reaction to an urge.  

This allows us to enjoy the freedom of self-control. 

Freedom allows us to make choices from a place of love, honor, and dignity.

The Holy Spirit, Our Victory

16 As you yield freely and fully to the dynamic life and power of the Holy Spirit, you will abandon the cravings of your self - life. 17 For your self - life craves the things that offend the Holy Spirit and hinder him from living free within you! And the Holy Spirit’s intense cravings hinder your old self - life from dominating you! So then, the two incompatible and conflicting forces within you are your self - life of the flesh and the new creation life of the Spirit.

18 But when you are brought into the full freedom of the Spirit of grace, you will no longer be living under the domination of the law, but soaring above it! - Gal 5:16-18

That, dear sisters, is true freedom. 

If you would like help in gaining freedom with your food choices, it is one call away. CLICK HERE to schedule a free strategy session with me. 

My greatest joy is assisting women to build their futures one decision at a time.  

I am your advocate and I can help you get to where you want to be,


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