Are You Interested in Taking a Break from Sugar?
Are You Interested in Taking a Break from Sugar?
That is a great question to ask ourselves.
Another great question is - What place does food have in your life?
Now, notice your thoughts.
Does your mind immediately go to judging and beating up on yourself when you answer those questions?
Does your mind go to clenching your fists and gritting your teeth, not wanting to give up your favorite foods?
Neither one of these reactions is "bad" or "wrong".
I'm guessing they are reactions you've had in the past.
Just notice them without judging them. They are thoughts you have practiced.
My work as a life and weight coach is not to demonize sugar.
My work is to give accurate information that explains the results sugar has inside our bodies.
My clients get to decide for themselves if they want to take a break from sugar.
They get to observe the results they have inside their bodies.
They also get to notice their thinking about certain food choices.
Is their life better because of food?
Is their life more fun because of food?
Is their life more comforting because of food?
These are great questions because they help us see our thoughts.
The important thing is to not beat up on ourselves when we realize our thinking patterns.
We must begin with awareness without judgment.
The next step is to ask ourselves, "Are these thoughts serving me and my commitment to honoring my body?"
Again, our human tendency is to go to beating ourselves up and comparing ourselves to others. Please promise me you won't do this.
Then, with compassion, ask yourself if you would like to take a break from certain food choices.
Are you interested in the results you would get?
If you are curious about doing this experiment with your body and your food, I would love to help you get started. Simply click on this link to schedule your free session with me. CLICK HERE.
I love helping women see that it's their thoughts that hold the key to creating the future and the health they want.
You are so worth it,
But now, how much more are we held in the grip of grace and continue reigning as kings in life, enjoying our regal freedom through the gift of perfect righteousness in the one and only Jesus, the Messiah!
Romans 5:15-17
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