Ten Minutes a Day for Six Days
Ten Minutes a Day
for Six Days
Are you worth it?
I believe you are. And I'm not the only one.
If you are stressed out and wish you could manage your life in a way that wasn't so exhausting, I invite you to invest 10 minutes a day for six days.
You are a beautifully created Body, Soul and Spirit. You are wonderfully made.
Why don't we feel wonderful? I think it's because we are neglecting the care for one of these segments of our well being.
- I would like to suggest that we start with our Spirit. You are a beloved child of God. Renew your Spirit by reminding yourself of who HE says you are.
- Your Soul is your mind, will and emotions. When you start paying attention to the way you are thinking, you can create a whole new perspective about you , your life and your purpose.
- Your Body, well, it's your body. Our resilient bodies are amazing! With just a few minutes of care and by implementing some simple steps, we can work with our bodies to regain well being, energy, focus and health.
Each day of my Free Spring Six Day Challenge will help you reset each of these areas within, and the results will be visible on the outside.
For each of the six days you will receive an email with a short 3-5 minute video and a reflection/planning worksheet.
As you watch the videos each day and take time to pray and reflect, I hope you begin to see yourself in a way that increases in value and love.
This Spring Six Day Challenge will run through the month of April.
This Spring Six Day Challenge will run through the month of April.
Yes, you can start the challenge at any time during April. Once you register, you will receive a welcome email. You will start the challenge the following morning. You will receive an email a day for the next six days with the newest video and reflection/planning worksheet.
You can begin today. Click here to sign up:
You can begin today. Click here to sign up:
Are you willing to devote 10 minutes a day for six day?
You are so worth it,
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