When You Fall Off The Wagon

When You Fall Off The Wagon

What does it mean to you when you hear the idiom "fall off the wagon?"

Does it mean that you ate something unplanned and off protocol? 

What do you make it mean about you?  

What if I told you that you didn't fall of the wagon and there really is no wagon?

In my past, when I had been on a strict diet and ate something off the diet,  I would have thoughts of self criticism and judgment.  My mind would find all the things that were wrong with me from a place of laying in the dirt since I had "fallen off the wagon."

My thoughts of self criticism led to feelings of disappointment which led to actions of giving up and gave me the results of more eating off plan. 

Is't it interesting how our mind works when we tell it we have failed? We create more of the same.

So, what would be a better way of dealing with an unplanned- off plan food choice? 

First, find out what was the last thought you had before you ate that substance?

It is always our thoughts that create our feelings that drive our actions.  

It could be a subtle as, "I want that." "That looks so good."  "It's not fair." OR "I can't eat that!"

When we choose these thoughts, or ignore that we are thinking these thoughts, we create the hamster wheel of a thought error. 

Just become aware. 

After you become aware of the thought, we can notice the primal urge and desire for false pleasure and know that our brain is working exactly as it was designed to.  

Next, we can move into the emotional adult/parent role and remind ourselves that there is nothing wrong with us. Tell yourself, " I hear you primal brain , but I'm not going to take you up on the offer."

Remind yourself of your big WHY, of your compelling reason for choosing your food plan.  

When we commit to ourselves - IT DOES MATTER!  

If you would like to learn more about how to conquer emotional eating, a free mini session with me will create a whole new way of looking at food, but more importantly, a whole new way of looking at you!

Click here to get started scheduling a free mini session with me.  https://peghinman.wufoo.com/forms/free-mini-session/


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