When You Don't Hit Your Goals
When You Don't Hit Your Goals How do you handle your self-talk when you don't hit your goals? This is a powerful question because it can make all the difference in how you move forward. Our natural tendency is either "not caring" at all (which is avoiding) or shaming ourselves and kicking ourselves when we are down. We like to think that these two options happen to us . But they are both choices. They are decisions. They are probably familiar reactions to not hitting your goals. Just notice that. Both of these reactions will recreate your past. In order to create the future you want, you will want to choose a different response. Here is an exercise that will help. I would like you to create a list of characteristics that you noticed when you have felt you were at the BEST version of you. It could be from when you were 8 years old, or 13, or last week. ...