When all you can ask is why?
When all you can ask is why? Do you find yourself asking: "Why is this happening?" "Why is this so hard?" "Why can't I do this?" If you do, let me give you some steps that will help stop the internal spinning mind that goes along with questions like that. I call it the "whiny why". First, understand that our habit brain prefers that we stay in confusion. Confusion is more familiar than proactive action. It's the way human primal brains work. It will do anything to keep from increasing effort. And that's okay. Notice that your brain immediately focuses on answering questions. Our habit brain goes directly to the past and to avoidance. This, too is a safe place but is will recreate what we have had in the past. Second, remind yourself of your BIG WHY. What is the reason you decided to stop overeating? What is the end result you want to powerfully? What difference will it make? Spend some time ...