Are You Okay With It Taking Time?
Are You Okay With It Taking Time? Every change we make, every accomplishment we achieve takes a certain amount of time. We could even agree that the greatest accomplishments take more time. But when it comes to losing weight, we want it to be fast. This messes with our mind, our emotions and our commitment. I want you to think about when you enrolled in college. You decided on a field of study and a degree you set out to earn and graduate. Or, you can think about High School. You set out to graduate. When you signed up, you expected that it would take a number of days you would need to continue taking action. You made a plan, followed through and repeated.....Over and over and over. When you were a sophomore, did you say to yourself, "I haven't graduated yet I think I'll quit?" In the 6th month of your Senior year did you throw up your hands and stop completing the requ...